Author: TheGolfingPro

Here at The Golfing Pro, we provide guides, practical tips, and gear suggestions so you, too, can play like a pro. As avid golfers, we aim to be your one-stop resource about anything in golf.

Ashworth Golf Shoes

The Ashworth brand of golf shoes has been in the business of making players look good on the links for more than a century. The Ashworth Golf Shoe Brand …

Garmin Approach G6 Review

The Garmin Approach G6 review is it a golfer’s dream? For golfers who have been searching for the best golf GPS,  look no further than the Approach G6. It has …

Best Putter For Fast Greens

Fast green speeds can be challenging in golf – even experienced golfers will experience a bit of frustration when dealing with them. A couple of footers may look like …

What Is A Mulligan In Golf?

What golfer has not heard phrases like “Oh no, I don’t take that, a Mulligan!” “Or” It’s not part of the regulations, this is the case! “? A player …